Sunday, October 4, 2009

It was all yellow!!

Don't forget to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the blog and TURN OFF THE MUSIC BEFORE you listen to this...Yellow...hmm...Sammy and yellow..they pretty much go together.. Myles favorite color is Red...he says that now...Sammy hasn't officially declared yellow as his fave..but if i pick something out for him and have my choice of colors..yellow is for him...happy..sunny..sweet...AND he has yellow shirts, "yellow" hair...and he likes bananas...i mean..if that isn't enough......

I am going to try to start posting more of Sammy talking...he is having a surge of development..and it is so exciting to see...i want to be able to go back and see the difference too..

okay..go watch it...or watch it again...i am...

from my heart.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sweet Sammy

(he started to blink here...sorry he looks slightly cranky..he wasn't i promise!)
I was at Sammy's school on Monday..for "Make it Monday"
my first for this year.
I pick out a book, and ofcourse, a craft..and have it prepared for our friends on Mondays..
They are talking about apples right now, so we read a book called ONE RED APPLE..
a beautiful book i found at Barnes and Noble...and then we did apple prints on some fabric (cut from a clearance sheet from Target)...i took them home and sewed them together with a little trim...and it became a flag for the classroom...(sorry, no pictures of that)
Oh, our sweet teacher just loved it!
We will do one every month, depending on the subject...pumpkins are next!!
I think the kids really like seeing a finished project that they all helped put together.
It is hanging in the reading area.

speaking of bliss.
i took a peek at him on the playground before i left....
this guy was having a blast!
mad climbling skills!

static-y hair sliding abilities...

awesome..just hanging there talent!!

and there he goes...climbing up something i would consider..NOT on the safer end of the safety spectrum....but alas..he did it...over and over again..
he did it...
Smiling ..i am.
from my heart.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Bike Riding!

This is my Son!
This is Him on His Bike!

This was my first bike when i was a little girl...i learned how to ride on this bike..
new freedoms were found on this bike...
and now he is finding new freedoms too!
I marked out a road for him to follow, fitted with arrows and a bridge...
he rode for 2 hours yesterday!
i wonder about the places he goes in his mind...
with the wind blowing in his face ...and his cheerleaders, curve turners, and snack committe at the ready...these are the days!!
I am thrilled that he is riding..
i am tickled beyond measure that he is learning on the same piece of magical equipment i learned on...
I am a proud mommy.
Just the proudest!
From My Heart!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

You Are The Apple of My Eye

Our first fieldtrip in Kindergarten!!
Did i go?
ofcourse i went!
but i did not ride on the bus.
no mommies and daddies on the buses.
just sweet.sweet.sweetness filled two buses to the apple orchard!
here is mine....i am so glad i have this picture.
this was right as they got on the bus.
a caravan of mommies and daddies followed so closely behind..
it made me have a lump in my throat..
2 buses filled with all of our babies..

we made it!!!
this was right when we arrived..

looking happy!

very happy!

get ready for the picture tour of all time...
here we are towards the end of the field the market..
Myles kept wanting to go in here to see the train going around and around...and around......
if you know my Myles, you can see he is really liking this moment...notice his one eye shut..
oh yeah..this is the good stuff here..

get out of my way woman!

exhibit A

this is soooo not a good picture...but there goes the train again!



That's better!

a scarecrow...not just plain scarey like the man a couple pictures up..
(he wasn't a real man...but he didn't seem to bother Myles at bothered me!)

taking a break from the train...
he wants to look...over.....


sitting on a bench with some elephants ...
silly smiley!

I just love him so!

gettin' some apples.

putting them in our bags..

and that's it...
our first fieldtrip!
I just loved going and seeing Myles and all of the friends out in the big world...
we went on a hayride...picked apples..ate lunch...played...and watched the train...
and then it was time to head back to school.
He keeps saying "Apple Orchard...Bus...Train"
I'd was a hit!

From My Heart!