Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Invitation

3 weeks into 2014.. so far it's off to a beautiful start!!

I have pondered my thought/word for this new grouping of days in my life..

Invitation is what I am choosing to lead the way through this next year..

1. to ask (a person or persons) in a friendly or polite way (to do something, attend an event, etc)
2. to make a request for, esp publicly or formally
3. to bring on or provoke; give occasion for
4. to welcome or tempt

Yes!! Invitation.. I am going to actively Invite more into my life..
Yes!! I see me looking ahead and making plans with my dear friends and family.
Yes!! I imagine requesting my children.. INVITING them... to play our games one more glorious time!!

 Of course!! I can give occasion for a celebration of any kind.. (( hint: Love Thugs))

I ultimately plan on welcoming visitors to our home.. people who have not ever been here..friends who haven't been here in a long time.. I will break the comfort of set times and places... directions.. schedules.. I will invite this change into my life.. I will invite the opportunity to have new perspectives..the change will in itself be comforting.

I am experiencing, already the gift this can be.

That moving furniture around thing has the right idea!! ((so.very.tempting.))

Our children are making improvements in their little lives daily.

Hypothetical furniture is being moved around in their minds.. they are seeing things differently.. they are LOOKING at us with new eyes all the time.. we are hearing them use words that have been held captive for years.. Changing it up!! This completely amazes me all day and is truly blessing upon blessing being heaped onto our hearts!!

We had a phenomenal weekend during our outreach from the Autism Treatment Center of America last weekend!! Brandi came to our house ((from Massachusetts..INVITE)) and worked with Myles and Sammy.. and was so useful in refreshing our perspective of their needs and their program goals!! We are really looking forward to the next outreach opportunity we can receive..perhaps in the summer or early fall!!The total goal for the next outreach will be $4000.00  covering the cost of TWO AMAZING child facilitators to come to our home!!

This will require more fundraising!!

*We most likely will have another HUMONGOUS yard sale in the spring!!

*I am thinking of ideas for large canvases to display ((and sell)) where the boys go to speech therapy.

*We have our GoFundMe page that I will need to spruce up a bit.

I am excited to get back at the fundraising again!! It was so much hard work last year, but it proved to be ever fruitful in our journey to have this life we have always imagined...the one we are living at this very moment!!

I have also been uploading videos of our playroom time on a new YouTube channel! I INVITE you to come take a look and see what we have been up to!

Do you have a word/thought for this new year??
How has it been going so far?

Much love..
Joyfully His


1 comment:

  1. OOOOOOH! What a be~ YOU~ti~FULL INVITATION!!! I love being a witness to this.. Thank you for allowing me to watch this thing of wonder unfolding!! I love you friend!!


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