Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dear Diary,

Another entry...

Gluten free...(Glutino)
and rice cheese...which does have casein in it, but we have this every other the impact is so minimal..

I brought the pizza over to Myles after he had done the red circle and was adding cheese with yellow marker... then he says, "I need green and black please"

for the spices!!!

mmmm...spicy pizza!

great little journalist..

evidence he dressed himself...

Love the Comp Book.
Have a Love-fully!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No More Monkeys

Okay..i love this picture...
look at the silliness..they are both looking at their crazy selves in the mirror...

I heart blurry action shots!!

Who's the man?

This is my jump space....

This was such a surprise to is much later on in the afternoon on a Saturday...
yes...we are still wearing pajamas...
Sammy loves to hug Myles...and Myles Loves it too...
but the piggy back had not been attempted yet...

Good Form!
They did great!!
Have a love-fully!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What do you do??

When Everything Hurts?
The boys have had some kind of funk for the past couple of weeks now.
Early on in this journey of motherhood, when the boys would get sick, we would go to the doctor...and he would say.."it's a cold..give the medi...wait it out...7-10 days..."
Which really means anytime up to just about...42 days....after all is said and done...:)
First, Sammy had one pink eye...then a few days later it was Myles with both pink eyes...
antibiotics for both....a swing in our behavior...
and then the coughing started..
which means congestion..
and the only natural solution to ease the pain..

a bandaid ...

(that's dry erase marker on his chin)

everywhere it hurts..

He asked to put the bandaids on...
"BooBoo" he said.."I want bandaid please"
so... what's a mommy to do?

be accomodating ofcourse!!

and drink up...only..17 days left!!!

Here's the BEST medi!!
Have a Love-fully!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dear Diary...

Here is another "bouncing off the walls" technique...
a 50 cent composition book and some crayons and a pencil....
so the words aren't random and said like role call...we are practicing writing them out in different sentences...

with tons of options...

Everyone is happy!!
more entries to come!
Have a Love-fully!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

To our friends and family..

I picniked these for the class Valentine's!!
They were a big hit!

I mounted Myles' pictures on a simple heart...using scrapbook paper i happened to already have!...
THEN....on the night before the Valentine's were due...
I asked Myles to come to the table to write his Valentine's for his friends at school and his teachers...

He did!!

He worked for about 30 minutes...
40 cards!!
No stopping..
no crazy..
just amazing..LOVE!
Happy Valentine's Day Friends!
Have a Love-fully!

I Love You!!



So MUCH !!
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Have a Love-Fully!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sammy's new Face-ination with the camera

This sounds like" YOUUUUU"
I think he's giving Lee some "daps" here




Holy Cuteness!!

It takes alot out of a guy, huh?
Have a Love-fully!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Get your lighters out

Our rising star..
jammin out

for his audience

front row seat holder...aka his groupie

a great concert!!
he would have his lighter out...but i think those who are 4 years old are advised not to!!

Have a Love-fully!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sweet Sam

That should do it!
Have a Happy day!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lucky Spaghetti

I am not sure that there is much need for explanation here!!

The boys have been entirely on a gluten free and casein free diet since November..

It is pretty easy to follow, actually, and we have seen lots of improvements in each boy..

You'll see in the video..Sam is saying alot more!! oh My!

Our whole little household is actually going green..more healthful (chocolate IS healthful people)

No more processed junk...blech! Myles is..forgive me...a lunatic...when he has processed stuff.

No amount of sewing would conteract his wild side after a high fructose corn syrup granola bar! is Sam... my Love...Quinoa pasta Rocks!!!

Enjoy...(turn off the music down below)

**This video is taking far 1 1/2 2 1/2...another 1 1/2...we are at 6 hours now...will this thing ever load???okay..i lost the video...we were up to 7 hours...hubs will help me when he gets home...grrrr!

***This took a second day of uploading..but it is finally here...Enjoy!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Little Apprentice

We've had a bit of cabin fever over these past few weeks.
Myles HAS to be loud sometimes...really, who doesn't??
His ecolalia kicks in and he's bouncing off the walls...jumping...running...and his voice is pretty loud at when i find myself saying, "Shhhh! Quiet as a mouse! That's a little too loud!
MYLES!! No More!!!!"... i try to find something to channel that energy into quiet!!
(cue the Pachebel Canon in D)
So... he has started sewing!! Be still my heart!!
He started with an all time favorite...i want him to be able to draw something and then do the stitching...but we aren't there YET!!
I helped him here draw the elephant with a disappearing ink pen..and then he started stitching..

At first, he was stitching all over the fabric, so i put dots at every stitching point..
and he followed right along..

the concentration..

those perfect hands

excellent hand eye coordination..

more of the same

you're doing it buddy!

This makes me giddy!
We have started making one sewing project every Sunday at church.
He is a big kid now, so he sits in Big Church..and we really need to keep him occupied!!
This is THE PERFECT ACTIVITY for him...
he has done the elephant, a bull dozer, a race car, and Saturn so far..
hmm...what should we make out of all of these little masterpieces??
Have a Love-fully!