We've had a bit of cabin fever over these past few weeks.
Myles HAS to be loud sometimes...really, who doesn't??
His ecolalia kicks in and he's bouncing off the walls...jumping...running...and his voice is pretty loud at times...so when i find myself saying, "Shhhh! Quiet as a mouse! That's a little too loud!
MYLES!! No More!!!!"... i try to find something to channel that energy into quiet!!
(cue the Pachebel Canon in D)
So... he has started sewing!! Be still my heart!!
He started with an all time favorite...i want him to be able to draw something and then do the stitching...but we aren't there YET!!
I helped him here draw the elephant with a disappearing ink pen..and then he started stitching..
and he followed right along..
the concentration..
those perfect hands
excellent hand eye coordination..
more of the same
you're doing it buddy!
the concentration..
those perfect hands
excellent hand eye coordination..
more of the same
you're doing it buddy!
We have started making one sewing project every Sunday at church.
He is a big kid now, so he sits in Big Church..and we really need to keep him occupied!!
This is THE PERFECT ACTIVITY for him...
he has done the elephant, a bull dozer, a race car, and Saturn so far..
hmm...what should we make out of all of these little masterpieces??
Have a Love-fully!
.........HMMMMMMMM.....A QUILT of course!!...Mama will help!....push 'er on thru!!...cannot wait to see you all again!