Saturday, November 9, 2013

On the NEW!!

This week has been filled with so many NEW things!!

Different things.

So often, we are told that being consistent with our children on the spectrum ((and our neuro~typicals as well)) is the key to helping them make sense of their world.. our world, really.. there is no need for this rule in their world. They actually ARE doing and being in a predictable way for them in their worlds.. they already figured that out!! They are experts at predictability in their lands!! The repetition is no biggy for them..GOT IT!! DONE!!

Forcing them to use this fine tuned, expert technique with the addition of our set(s) of rules in our land is a completely different thing.. The FORCEING PART!!

So that got me thinking.

Son~Rise is all about JOINING.. and BELIEVING.. GROWING ourSELVES... Before we even consider what it might look like to then suggest this possibility to and for our children..

So.. I've been trying some new little things for myself.. ((even these little changes have helped me to see that I like routine.. in our world.. with our sets of rules.. I actually LIKE predictability too.. so I tugged on that a bit this week and it altered my vision of our Sweet Sammy and Myles))

Let's start with the seemingly ridiculous one.. I LOVE Cinnamon Dolche Latte from Starbucks..when we go.. it is my tried and true!! I NEVER veer!  I saw the sign for the Caramel Brulee Latte this week.. and went for it!! It was divine.. I was NOT disappointed!! SHOCKING!!

I became intrigued with a group about essential oils this week..on Facebook.. I started to massage lavender and cedarwood onto the boy's feet at bedtime.. turns out.. THAT WAS FANTASTIC TOO!!
Sam has had a huge burst of more clear language.. more restful sleep..and altogether more eye contact!! We were even able to sit at the table and do some kindergarten workbook pages with extreme ease..

Which leads me to the next different thing..!!!

I have resisted doing these pages with Sam, because, really he has not been "ready".. His attention span has been fleeting, not really interested or connected at all.. lots of lovely scribbling.. approximately 5~10 minutes and then he was outta there!!.. This week.. on 2 separate days.. we explored the pages of his kindergarten workbook for 40 minutes each!! I say explored.. because HE REALLY WAS!!WE really were!! He was on an adventure.. with his pencil..I was there as his comrade.. cheering section..pep rally coordinator... he was tracing and writing letters and numbers.. He was circling objects.. he was following directions.. he colored.. after not recognizing a colored fox picture he had just colored.. I offered him the letters F~O~X to write and then asked him what he thought that was.. and he said "FOX!"... he looked at me while circling and writing objects as if to say.."I really like being here.. YOU say fun stuff to me when I look at you.. and especially when I do it a certain way... is this that certain way??!!"  ((Amazing!!))
Oh my goodness!! Are you with me still??  He also CLEARLY told Myles to "Please get off Myles" from the hammock.. he also calmly.. on his own.. readily put his little hand on my shoulder to request something.. He IS A PREDICTABLE LICKING MACHINE STILL!! AND he is doing NEW things.. different things!!

what else?

Myles.. he played with Owen and read books to him for 2 hours the other morning.. saying.. "Oh, you want me to read you another book..OKAY! "..

He is readily..READILY.. able to share what he is feeling!! He even told me during a meltdown..
Myles.. "I am the bluest".. I continued with questions..
Me.."Does it make you feel better to scream really loud?"
Me..."Does talking about this together help you feel better?"
Me.."So.. what do you think about telling me the next time.. "I think I would like to talk to you Mommy"
Me.."I would like that too..How are you feeling now?... "Are you feeling a different color?" (( this was just a suggestion that his feelings could perhaps be associated with a color..)
Myles.. "I'm feeling yellow.. better"
Me.." Oh..That's nice..((his proximity becomes closer to me)).. I am feeling pink.. and red.. LOVING towards you!"
Myles... "No you are Yellow!!"
Me.. "Yes! I am Happy!! And I am also Pink and loving! Thank You for talking with me!"

This little scenario has evolved over time.. this one took about 5 minutes..
This used to be a 30 minute time frame.. even up to one or two hours of not knowing how to help Myles (( and be pink )).. ((The feelings questions aren't actually where Myles is within the Son~Rise developmental model.. but I would say he has acquired this since we started his Son~Rise program!! ))

YES!! Different!

I created an account on GO.FUND.ME. to raise money for our boys.. ((

I re~opened my etsy shop.. also, in an effort to support our Son~Rise programs.. (( :)

I parted my hair differently today. No Biggie..

Which leads me to...

What WOULD be considered a BIG DEAL??

How many things are we not willing to offer up to change??

How many examples can we offer to our children.. possibilities of trying and doing new things when we are NOT trying and doing different things ourselves??

From here on out.. I vow to be changing.. predictable in the offering of newness!!

Accepting of any outcome..and the view from each "doing"...

Much Love to YOU as you go about in your own NEWNESS this week!

ps.. No furniture was moved in the making of this post!! :) hahahahaha!

Step out on the edge! Don't be afraid of it!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome update for all to read....altho, I REALLY love our drive-time-updates and our playdates! mommy


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