this is so great, since they have swings as a reinforcer...
i just brought our picnic blanket..a couple books...and we read, asked questions..swung/swang/swinged :)
this kid loves it outside.. there was a time when switching from the swing to ANY other activity would not have been a smooth option... he was literally addicted..and we were his dealer..
Sometimes, i think, as parents, we don't want our kids to be unhappy..well, actually, when do we ever want them to be sad...??? I have learned so much about waiting it out a little longer...
wait....wait...wait...(doing the sign for "wait" as i say it...(this sign is two hands, palms up, in front of you, gently wiggling your fingers at the same if to say, "Come on"...but your're saying WAIT!!!!)
(which really means LONG SUFFERING):)
yes, patience, always seems like such a pleasant word to be asking for...either for ourselves, or for our loved ones...however...i cringe everytime i hear someone say the word...
because, quite frankly...i'm sometimes DONE with the waiting..
DONE with progressing slower than i thought we might...
DONE with being a good example of the whole waiting process...
yet still...
we wait!
and swing.
and slowly...we are getting better..
we are growing.
we are blooming.
All of a sudden i had a memory of driving a stick shift for the first (several) time(s)
I was AWEFUL at it... and then one day, it worked...well, i did it right..
and i felt like i could drive for hours...
ofcourse, once you get going you are's the stopping and starting that throws all sense of practicality completely out the window...
just when you think the road ahead is free from all sorts of crazy jerking...and stalling...and pretty much engine failure all have to use that gear shift..and the clutch..and..
come to a complete stop...and then start the madness all over again!!
WHAT!!(sound of breaks screeching...or was that the engine falling out??)
(okay, this whole last part about the car, was not what i had planned on saying...but clearly, or maybe not so much, it had to be said...)
Are you having trouble with your transmissions/ transitions too...
i would LOVE to hear...
From My Heart!
My sweet Joy...God chose you to be the best Mommy ever to our are a strong inspiration to are a rock. I love you....mommy